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Times have changed drastically and more and more student’s today use laptops as one of their school supplies or tools. It’s become quite obvious that laptops or mini laptops have become an important part of a students experience whether he/she is in High School, or College. This in turn means that homework, projects, and term papers are all being digitally stored and are quite vulnerable to data loss at any time. Gone are the days where our homework was on a sheet of paper, today most if not all of it is found on Word, Excel or PDF files.

Although Laptops give students the edge on managing there workload and organizing their work, keeping the information safe and loss free can prove to be quite a task.. The daily travel from home to school or from dormitory to class can prove to be a very risky travel for the data, as anything along the way can cause your data to be threatened, whether it is dropping the laptop or even simple little shocks or bumps that it may encounter until the final destination is reached. Therefore students need to take extra care with their portable pc because physical damage and many other issues can affect the data and even its accessibility.

Here are some tips and ideas to help keep you away from disaster!

• When docked try to keep your laptop away from commotion or any type of people traffic, this will help prevent any unwanted bumps or shocks that can occur in busy areas of a classroom or library.

• Backing up your data is probably the best way of protection; a regular back can save someone from serious trouble if something goes wrong. Depending on the size of your data, backing up on DVD, Flash or an external drive that isn’t moved around much is a very good idea and don’t forget to double check that the data has been copied properly.

• If you suspect that something is wrong, try not to do it yourself, report it immediately to a professional, making attempts on a problematic drive can cause further damage or destroy something that normally may have been recoverable.

If you do experience a data loss, HelpDisc Greece offers many solutions to these types of problems, we specialize in data recovery from any storage media even laptop issues that may occur. You can contact us at ++30 210 6016930 or visit our website for further information, HelpdDisc Greece your friendly recovery partner.